Thursday, May 10, 2012

HDR The Crossing

Steve Huskisson has added a photo to the pool:

HDR The Crossing

All day today, I had not planned to go out for a sunset shot in the evening. However, at 7pm and just after dinner, the sky was lit up pretty nice. My youngest son wanted to go to the Hungrylands, but I suggested we drive 5 more minutes and head over to JW Corbett Wildlife Management Area.

It's only 11 minutes from my driveway to the entrance, but I had never been here before. We arrived just in time for the CSX train to go by, so I got some quick shots of that. Unfortunately, it was about 25 minutes prior to this shot, where I had the color from the sun & sky. Earlier, the sun was behind the clouds and was pretty dull. If only that train could have came by when I shot this picture!

We got back home just after dark and I began going through all the shots, angles, etc. of pictures that I took here in hopes of a good HDR photograph. By the time I found this three shot exposure, my oldest son came home hollaring for all of us to "come outside quick, look at the sky." Apparently, there was quite a thunderstorm that was heading our way and coming from where I was just 90 minutes earlier.

I popped out my memory card and headed out front with my camera & tripod and started snapping pictures. One which ended up on the Fox local news at 10pm! Not a bad night considering I hadn't planned on even picking up my camera!
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