Friday, March 30, 2012

Irregular objects

Mr:Mac has added a photo to the pool:

Irregular objects

For ODC: Oval

Inspired by, and including, this shot by Alex Turton.

This is a shot of four peanut m&ms sitting on an iPad screen with Alex's shot displayed on it. I hadn't planned to include the original shot - I just had it on the screen as an example when I was lining the m&ms up for the photo, but in the end I actually preferred this one to the one on the blank glass.

I love the way that the internet daily expands my knowledge of things I thought I already understood. For example, despite having studied maths to a fairly advanced level, I somehow never learnt the difference between an oval and an ellipse. Similar, but different, but not particularly obvious why... Wikipedia to the rescue!

An oval has no geometric definition (which is why m&ms count :) but in technical drawing it is described by the edges of four overlapping circles - two big ones for the long sides, which by themselves make a rugby ball shape, and two smaller ones for the ends, which 'soften' the pointy ends of the rugby ball to make an oval. In contrast, no section of the circumference of an ellipse is described by any part of a circle, as the radii are always changing length. But the difference when you lay one over the other is tiny.

I found it interesting anyway - your mileage may vary :)

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